We Can Dance

We Can Dance!

About us


Everyone Deserves the Chance to Dance!

We Can Dance (Registered Charity no. 1136698) are entering their first ever team of runners into The Great North Run 2023.  Our aim is to make this our biggest fundraiser ever and we are appealing for your support.  Our goal is £17,000 which represents £1000 each for the 17 schools we currently work with.  Any amount you are able to pledge to support our ongoing work with these children would be fantastic!

We aim to give children and young people with special educational needs the opportunity to access dance through professional teachers.  The Charity funds weekly dance lessons within schools in North Yorkshire, County Durham and Teesside.
Gift Aid is a huge boost to the value of donations. Thank you for your generosity which will make a huge difference to the lives of these children.


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