Pancreatic Cancer UK

Tiffany's Charity Page

Tiffany Parry

Tiffany Parry

My Story

This year I have decided to do the Great North Run in aid of pancreatic cancer uk, the charity is close to the hearts of many of my family and friends due to losing a very special lady a few years back. Pancreatic cancer is often hard to diagnose and even harder to treat, any donations made will go towards funding the continued research into fighting the disease. Every little helps even if it's just £1 😊

Pancreatic Cancer UK

Raising for:

Pancreatic Cancer UK

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My Story

This year I have decided to do the Great North Run in aid of pancreatic cancer uk, the charity is close to the hearts of many of my family and friends due to losing a very special lady a few years back. Pancreatic cancer is often hard to diagnose and even harder to treat, any donations made will go towards funding the continued research into fighting the disease. Every little helps even if it's just £1 😊