ME Association

Steve’s ME Association fundraising page

Steve Moxon

Steve Moxon

My Story

ME is a horrible illness, invisible and frequently misunderstood. ME sufferers are only able to do fraction of what a fit person can & many suffer disproportionate levels of post exertional malaise & other debilitating symptoms as a result of carrying out even the smallest daily tasks. Frequently they find they are unable to access the same support that people with other illnesses do, many have been met with cruelty & disbelief, rather than care & support, in part due to a lack of research into the cause of the illness. For most it is currently a life sentence with no known cure.  We've all become familiar with the term "long COVID", a post viral fatigue recognised as having startling similarities with M.E. Now imagine having had the equivalent of long COVID for over 15 years without support, recognition & with very little meaningful biomedical research - that's my daughter Rebecca's story & the story of an estimated 250,000 others like her. More needs to be done to understand the illness and ensure ME sufferers get the best care and support. Most importantly we need investment in research to identify a permanent cure. In addition to this, some sources estimate as many as 2 million people are now suffering with Long COVID, being left without meaningful support & being subjected to damaging therapies with little to no good evidence to support their continued use. Thank you for any donations you are able to give so that this can go toward giving people like Rebecca hope that in the future ME sufferers and those with Long COVID will no longer be facing a life sentence.

ME Association

Raising for:

ME Association


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  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

ME is a horrible illness, invisible and frequently misunderstood. ME sufferers are only able to do fraction of what a fit person can & many suffer disproportionate levels of post exertional malaise & other debilitating symptoms as a result of carrying out even the smallest daily tasks. Frequently they find they are unable to access the same support that people with other illnesses do, many have been met with cruelty & disbelief, rather than care & support, in part due to a lack of research into the cause of the illness. For most it is currently a life sentence with no known cure.  We've all become familiar with the term "long COVID", a post viral fatigue recognised as having startling similarities with M.E. Now imagine having had the equivalent of long COVID for over 15 years without support, recognition & with very little meaningful biomedical research - that's my daughter Rebecca's story & the story of an estimated 250,000 others like her. More needs to be done to understand the illness and ensure ME sufferers get the best care and support. Most importantly we need investment in research to identify a permanent cure. In addition to this, some sources estimate as many as 2 million people are now suffering with Long COVID, being left without meaningful support & being subjected to damaging therapies with little to no good evidence to support their continued use. Thank you for any donations you are able to give so that this can go toward giving people like Rebecca hope that in the future ME sufferers and those with Long COVID will no longer be facing a life sentence.