Fibromyalgia Action UK

Purdy's Charity Page

Purdy Jones

Purdy Jones

My Story

Great North Run 2023 ... who would have thought it??? 

I have suffered the pains, aches, fatigue, tiredness, brain fog and many other effects of Fibromyalgia for over 15 years, it will not be a fast run but my aim is to get to the end (on the same day that I set off from the start line) and raise awarenesss of fibromyalgia and the everyday struggles we face living with the condition.  This will be a challenge for most runner, for me it will be a challenge in so many way.  I will attempt this run for all those who would want to do it but fibro will not allow them to.  

Fibromyalgia Action UK

Raising for:

Fibromyalgia Action UK


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Great North Run 2023 ... who would have thought it??? 

I have suffered the pains, aches, fatigue, tiredness, brain fog and many other effects of Fibromyalgia for over 15 years, it will not be a fast run but my aim is to get to the end (on the same day that I set off from the start line) and raise awarenesss of fibromyalgia and the everyday struggles we face living with the condition.  This will be a challenge for most runner, for me it will be a challenge in so many way.  I will attempt this run for all those who would want to do it but fibro will not allow them to.