Ticking the GNR off the bucket list

The long, not so fun, run.

The long, not so fun, run.

My Story

Yo friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances! I'm on a mission to sprint towards better mental well-being. This September, I'm ticking off  the Great North Run to support Mind, a charity that's smashing the stigma around mental health.


Because mental health, like the air we breathe, silently intertwines with the lives of every single individual, impacting our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. We need to *jog* our minds and promote understanding! Mind is doing an amazing job, providing a shoulder to lean on, practical advice, and a real sense of community for those facing mental health challenges.

Mind Mental Health Charity

Ready to sprint alongside me? Your donation will help fund research, spread awareness, and provide vital assistance to those in need. Every stride we take together brings us closer to a world that's mentally fit!

I'm counting on your support! Even a small contribution will make a big difference. Let's show that mental health matters and that we're ready to run the extra mile for those who need it most.

Join the race for mental health with Mind!

With heartfelt gratitude,




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Yo friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances! I'm on a mission to sprint towards better mental well-being. This September, I'm ticking off  the Great North Run to support Mind, a charity that's smashing the stigma around mental health.


Because mental health, like the air we breathe, silently intertwines with the lives of every single individual, impacting our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. We need to *jog* our minds and promote understanding! Mind is doing an amazing job, providing a shoulder to lean on, practical advice, and a real sense of community for those facing mental health challenges.

Mind Mental Health Charity

Ready to sprint alongside me? Your donation will help fund research, spread awareness, and provide vital assistance to those in need. Every stride we take together brings us closer to a world that's mentally fit!

I'm counting on your support! Even a small contribution will make a big difference. Let's show that mental health matters and that we're ready to run the extra mile for those who need it most.

Join the race for mental health with Mind!

With heartfelt gratitude,
