ME Association

Georgia's Charity Page

Georgia Mulraine

Georgia Mulraine

My Story

I am running the Great North Run 2023 for the ME Association and in support of my friend Alice Barrett, who is suffering with Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

I met Alice when I joined Newcastle University Athletics back in 2016.

She is a lovely friend to all, welcomed me as a new member, amongst a lovely group of friends I share some of the best memories of university with. Alice was fit and healthy and had graduated university with a first class degree, ready to start her first job and move to Bristol, but instead has been bedbound for this past year, unable to feed herself, speak or be spoken to. She receives all food and medication via a feeding tube.

Alice has been suffering with ME since 2020 and unfortunately is classified in the 25 per cent of cases that are considered very severe.

ME is a chronic disease which includes extreme fatigue, cognitive difficulties, sensory hypersensitive, heart and blood pressure issues, problems with sleeping, muscle and nerve pain, headaches, sore throat, feeling dizzy and heart palpitations.

Unfortunately it is an incredibly misunderstood disease and it is recognised that there is a global lack of evidence for the safe treatment and maintenance of people living with ME. This is why I am aiming raise this much-needed contribution for the ME association, to help them carry on their vital research into this condition which is so detrimental to quality of life,  including to people who should have their whole life ahead of them.  

Any donations you are able to make would be very much appreciated!

Love Gee xx

ME Association

Raising for:

ME Association


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I am running the Great North Run 2023 for the ME Association and in support of my friend Alice Barrett, who is suffering with Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

I met Alice when I joined Newcastle University Athletics back in 2016.

She is a lovely friend to all, welcomed me as a new member, amongst a lovely group of friends I share some of the best memories of university with. Alice was fit and healthy and had graduated university with a first class degree, ready to start her first job and move to Bristol, but instead has been bedbound for this past year, unable to feed herself, speak or be spoken to. She receives all food and medication via a feeding tube.

Alice has been suffering with ME since 2020 and unfortunately is classified in the 25 per cent of cases that are considered very severe.

ME is a chronic disease which includes extreme fatigue, cognitive difficulties, sensory hypersensitive, heart and blood pressure issues, problems with sleeping, muscle and nerve pain, headaches, sore throat, feeling dizzy and heart palpitations.

Unfortunately it is an incredibly misunderstood disease and it is recognised that there is a global lack of evidence for the safe treatment and maintenance of people living with ME. This is why I am aiming raise this much-needed contribution for the ME association, to help them carry on their vital research into this condition which is so detrimental to quality of life,  including to people who should have their whole life ahead of them.  

Any donations you are able to make would be very much appreciated!

Love Gee xx