Huddersfield Town Foundation

Huddersfield Town Foundation

About us

The Huddersfield Town Foundation was established in 2012 as the official charity of the Football Club. To begin with, the Foundation’s focus was to establish ‘Early Kick Off’ Breakfast Clubs in schools to ensure that children started their learning day in school with a healthy and nutritious breakfast. The Foundation now proudly facilitates 40 Early Kick Off breakfast clubs across Kirklees and has served well over two million breakfasts to local children. 

Fast forward to 2022 and the Foundation marked its ten-year anniversary and launched a new strategy that will help to continue to take it forward. The Foundation works with all members of the Kirklees Community wherever they are in their journey through life. All of our programmes and projects aim to tackle at least one of our four key impact areas:

  1. Learning and Education
  2. Movement and Activity
  3. Health and Healthy Behaviours
  4. Safe Spaces and Places

We still deliver Breakfast Clubs, but we now offer much more, including Sporting Memories sessions to older people who may be isolated or lonely, primary and secondary school delivery, working to support young people engage in positive activities, encouraging women and girls into sport and physical activity alongside our National Citizenship Service supporting young people to gain new experiences as well as developing their social action and volunteering skills and interests. To read more about our new 10 year strategy please click here.

Over the last ten years our fundraising initiatives have made our essential work within the local community possible.  The annual Big Sleep Out at John Smith’s Stadium has raised over £157,000 alone to support local organisations battling poverty and homelessness. It’s initiatives like this that help us use the power of the Football Club to engage, inspire and have a positive impact in our local community. 

We are rooted in our community. The unique needs of Kirklees are part of how we definte our purpose, along with our passion for football and support, our distinct set of knowledge and skills, and the resources we can access to make it all happen. The Huddersfield Town Foundation can't meet all the challenges that face our community, but there are issues where we strongly believe we can make a difference.

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