Headway - The Brain Injury Association

Headway - The Brain Injury Association

About us

Brain injury can challenge every aspect of your life - walking, talking, thinking and feeling - and the losses can be severe and permanent.  It can mean losing both the life you once lived and the person you once were.

We all think 'it'll never happen to me', but every year around 350,000 people are admitted to hospital with an acquired brain injury. 

That's one every 90 seconds!

A brain injury can happen to anyone, at any time.  When it does, Headway is here to help.

Headway is the UK-wide charity that works to improve life after brain injury by providing vital support and information services including:

  • A freephone helpline (0808 800 2244, [email protected] )
  • A comprehensive informative website (www.headway.org.uk)
  • An award-winning range of booklets and publications designed to help people understand the effect of brain injury
  • Access to an Emergency fund
  • Provide a recognised Brain Injury Identity Card to help in everyday situations and if you come in to contact with the criminal justice system
  • Access to local support groups
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